Hunkered Downy Woodpecker

  • Competition: WSB 2020
  • Category: null
  • Region: State
  • Level: NJ Audubon Ambassadors
  • Final sign off: 2020-05-09 20:39:57
Submitted95%Team score
241 (+2)22

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Accepted records

Is unique?Species name Notes Photo Action
1.Canada GooseGeese spotted at Habernickel Park pond and on the HoHoKus Brook. Move to rejectedMore details
2.MallardGreenish blue head. White stripe collar. White feathered tail. Light gray wingsMove to rejectedMore details
3.Double-crested CormorantSilhouette only Move to rejectedMore details
4.Red-tailed HawkHawk had red tail. White and black speckled breast. Dark tipped beak. Dark ring around eyesMove to rejectedMore details
5.Rock PigeonSpotted three at the BP gas station on Rte 17 across from Metropolitan Plants. Move to rejectedMore details
6.Mourning DoveLight gray and black spots towards the rare of its body. Move to rejectedMore details
7.Red-bellied WoodpeckerBlack and white speckled wings and tail. Red head. Move to rejectedMore details
8.Downy WoodpeckerWoodpecker seen at Glenrock Arboretum. Black and white throughout. Move to rejectedMore details
9.Blue JayMale blue jay. Bright blue, white and graysMove to rejectedMore details
10.American CrowDark black. Could be a raven tooMove to rejectedMore details
11.Tree SwallowShiny bright blue. Flying around Crestwood Park field. Move to rejectedMore details
12.Barn SwallowSpotted at Crestwood Park. Bright blue and shiny - flew by us near the shore of Crestwood LakeMove to rejectedMore details
13.Carolina ChickadeeRound head. Black on top of head. Move to rejectedMore details
14.Tufted TitmouseMove to rejectedMore details
15.White-breasted NuthatchLands and sits upside down. Black and light gray. Small in size. White face and breast. Move to rejectedMore details
16.House WrenSmall brown. We noticed the song. Move to rejectedMore details
17.American RobinOrange breast. Dark body. Move to rejectedMore details
18.Gray CatbirdMedium gray throughout. Black cap on head. Black tailMove to rejectedMore details
19.Northern MockingbirdGray body. Round head. Alternating gray and white on wings. Move to rejectedMore details
20.Common YellowthroatMale spotted. Black on face with yellow and gray body. Spotted on the ground. Female spotted on tree with yellow fanned tail and yellow spot on upper wing. Move to rejectedMore details
21.Northern CardinalMale cardinal. Bright red. Dark beak. Move to rejectedMore details
22.Red-winged BlackbirdBlack bird with red and yellow above wing. Two spotted at Crestwood Park 9/11 Memorial pondMove to rejectedMore details
23.Common GrackleBlack bird with hints of shiny purplish colored wings in the lightMove to rejectedMore details
24.House SparrowMove to rejectedMore details